My contention is that the Big Bang is not synonymous with the creation of Light. Because light is a wave or particle quantum, it could not coexist with the Big Bang — which burst into darkness. Particles of light, e.g., photons, had to be created subsequently as forces of released energy created the first particles of matter, i.e., hydrogen, helium, etc. Therefore, it follows that darkness reigned until photons “came to light” (so to speak) in the universe. IMHO, the phenomenon of the Big Bang pre-existed the appearance of light —which did not occur until God said “Let there be light, and there was light” …afterwords.
P.S. The duality of light and darkness “in the beginning” concurs more with Eastern than Western philosophy.
Excellent consideration! One understanding of the Big Bang is that all matter was capable of shifting from energy (light) and matter for a very small amount of time at the beginning of the Bang. the Bible talks about "the void" and the Tao Te Ching directly talks about "darkness" as the original source. the Big Bang, or Creation Story, reflects an emergence from that void or darkness: thus a transformation from darkness to light – both empirically and theologically: the logos and the light. Just a thought - thanks for yours! Take care...
“First, God creates light. (The Big Bang)”
My contention is that the Big Bang is not synonymous with the creation of Light. Because light is a wave or particle quantum, it could not coexist with the Big Bang — which burst into darkness. Particles of light, e.g., photons, had to be created subsequently as forces of released energy created the first particles of matter, i.e., hydrogen, helium, etc. Therefore, it follows that darkness reigned until photons “came to light” (so to speak) in the universe. IMHO, the phenomenon of the Big Bang pre-existed the appearance of light —which did not occur until God said “Let there be light, and there was light” …afterwords.
P.S. The duality of light and darkness “in the beginning” concurs more with Eastern than Western philosophy.
Excellent consideration! One understanding of the Big Bang is that all matter was capable of shifting from energy (light) and matter for a very small amount of time at the beginning of the Bang. the Bible talks about "the void" and the Tao Te Ching directly talks about "darkness" as the original source. the Big Bang, or Creation Story, reflects an emergence from that void or darkness: thus a transformation from darkness to light – both empirically and theologically: the logos and the light. Just a thought - thanks for yours! Take care...