How Things Work: A Brief History of Reality
BOOK II: The Power of Three (#56. "Einstein's Conclusion Part-1")
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Tuesday, November 8, 2022
“The genius of Einstein’s discoveries is that he looked at the experiments and assumed the findings were true. This was the exact opposite of what other physicists seemed to be doing. Instead of assuming the theory was correct and that the experiments failed, he assumed that the experiments were correct and the theory had failed.”
Andrew Zimmerman Jones, Daniel Robbins (Einstein’s Special Relativity for Dummies)
CONSIDERATION #56 – “Einstein’s Conclusion Part-1”
Einstein represents the paradigm for “out of the box” thinking. While other physicists were preoccupied with the “differences” between particles and waves, Einstein recognized the “unity” connecting particles and waves. Einstein realized that particles and waves were not two separate incongruent entities; they were two different expressions of the “same” entity. In solving the problem of Brownian motion Einstein utilizes “prediction” over “direct recognition” to use mathematics as a tool for “proving” not only the existence of atomic and molecular entities, but also their size and other “physical” factors related to them. In his Special and General theories of Relativity he turns our understanding of the universe, and reality, completely upside down. It is not hyperbole to argue that Einstein radically alters our perception of the universe and How Things Work.
“…what he eventually realizes from these various rational considerations is that light is energy, and even more importantly, so is matter…”
Einstein begins by “imagining” himself on a beam of light in a thought experiment related to the speed of light as a “scientific and universal constant.” However, what he eventually realizes from these various rational considerations is that light is energy, and even more importantly, so is matter; each representing a different manifestation of the same energy. However, it starts with a simple thought experiment about “riding on a beam of light.”
CONSIDERATION #56 – Einstein’s Conclusion Part One
The reason it is called the “Special” Theory of Relativity is because it can be utilized only in special, or extremely limited, conditions. It only applies to objects that are moving at a constant speed in a straight line. All, of Special Relativity is related to this very limited set of circumstances. Ten years later, Einstein would consider the other conditions and circumstances about reality in his General Theory of Relativity. What makes Einstein special is that his ideas originated from what he called “thought experiments” and not mathematics.
“They allowed Einstein, and now us, to look at theoretical paradoxes in a more expanded and creative way, making otherwise unconsidered possibilities, possible.”
This is why only high school level math was required for the theory, and also why we can understand his original considerations based on the same, or similar, thought experiments. Thinking about a truck that is moving at the speed of light with children playing catch on the bed of the truck, as in our previous example, is a theoretical thought experiment. They allowed Einstein, and now us, to look at theoretical paradoxes in a more expanded and creative way, making otherwise unconsidered possibilities, possible. With a little work, you can understand the basic principles of Special Relativity without needing much math.
“He was amazed and became fascinated with the idea of the ‘invisible’ forces…”
As a child, Einstein was given a compass by his father. He was amazed and became fascinated with the idea of the “invisible” forces which affected the movement of the needle. This led to an obsession with electromagnetism and Maxwell’s equations related to the speed of light. Einstein immersed himself in a thought experiment in which he imagined himself riding on a beam of light.
According to classical physics, if there was a parallel light beam traveling at the same speed directly next to him, and he observed it, it would be moving zero miles per hour relative to his position and identical speed. However, also according to classical physics, this was impossible because the speed of light was constant at 186,282 miles per second regardless of “physical” circumstances; meaning it could not be zero under any circumstances.
This “rational” incongruity led Einstein to develop other thought experiments, delving even deeper into the nature of light, or energy.
Like Descartes, Einstein represents a paradigm shift, or turning point, in modern science and how it defines the universe and our experience of Reality. In essence, he reinterprets Descartes’ Mind-Body Paradox into a new rational construction based on mathematical support. Descartes originally divided Reality into “mind” and “body.” However, Einstein begins the argument that will define the “quantum age” of modern science by establishing that like time, this duality is just an illusion. However, perhaps a necessary one.
Next week we will consider the famous thought experiment that leads to Einstein’s radical conclusion that Space and Time are “relative” factors in our experience of Reality.
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Excerpt from Untangling the Knots of Reality – Podcast #22: “Untangling Descartes’ Theology: Three Proofs of God’s Existence" UPGRADE TODAY!
This Week on “The Thread”:
•Untangling the Knots of Reality Podcast: “Untangling Descartes’ Theology: Three Proofs of God’s Existence” (“Descartes’ idea of Perfection, or what Aristotle called “The Good,” reflects the peak of rational understanding. Everything less than this total and complete “Unity of Goodness and Perfection” is not complete, and therefore not perfect. According to Descartes, something incomplete cannot manifest perfection because it is itself incomplete. This state, or dimension, of Complete Abstract Perfection represented a unique Consciousness of Mind Descartes called God.…” )
•Reality by a Thread (Discussion Thread): Preview of Book V – “The Arch of Human Consciousness & Awareness: Part 4 – Rational Consciousness & Quantum Reasoning” (“There are two levels of Quantum Consciousness. As previously discussed, atomic and molecular activity and interaction is occurring at the Empirical level of quantum consciousness based on the “Laws of Physics.” However, there is a Rational level of Quantum Consciousness as well. It is the type of Conscious Awareness that is at the forefront of technologies such as quantum computing, game theory and artificial intelligence. It is the kind of Awareness necessary for dealing with the newest models of scientific reality: Quantum Mechanics and String Theory....”)
•FREE PDF Download of Book IV: “The Cosmic Symphony – Overtones of String Theory” plus other discounts and benefits.
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Book II: The Power of Three – Understanding Reality Through Science & Religion
Book III: The Enigmatic Mystery – Transcending Science & Religion
Coming Soon: Untangling the Knots of Eastern & Western Dualism (Podcasts 1-14)