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“The universe is a quantum computer. Since you can simulate any set of particle interactions with a quantum computer made of the same number of particles, then there’s no practical difference between the universe and a quantum computer simulating the universe.”
– David Walton
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
There is a lot of talk about quantum computers, but what exactly is the difference between traditional computers and quantum computers? Why are they different and what does that difference mean to us? That is the consideration of this week’s newsletter.
“Quantum computers, function based on a very complex concept of Up or Down ‘quantum spin’ based on infinite potential quantum possibilities…”
The essential difference between traditional and quantum computers is their Central Processing Unit, or CPU. Although both systems are based on dualism, the way duality is processed in each computer is completely unique. Traditional computers, function based on a simple concept of O and I, or On and Off. Quantum computers, function based on a very complex concept of Up or Down “quantum spin” based on infinite potential “quantum possibilities” that result in specific quantum effects connected to quantum superposition and entanglement. If this sounds complicated, it is. But this week I will attempt to simplify it a little bit.
“This type of ‘digital processing’ is actually very ‘analog.’”
Traditional computers are based on a simple binary logic capable of simple binary operations, or processes, that when compounded result in very stable, consistent, and reliable results. This type of “digital processing” is actually very “analog.” Energy (electricity) is routed to a “transistor” that is then turned “on.” Or electricity is not routed to a transistor, and it remains “off.”
Although a very basic process, the mathematical possibility for complex operations exponentially increases as transistors are added; the more transistors in the system the greater the possible “computing power” of the CPU. Thus, an 8-bit system is less powerful than a 64-bit system. Today’s modern computer chips contain over 100 million transistors, with next-generation Nvidia chips reaching more than 200 billion!
The essential distinction that separates our traditional computer systems from quantum computer systems is the “qubit.”
CONSIDERATION #164 – The Quantum Qubit
Quantum computers do not use traditional transistor “logic gates” for their digital processing, they use quantum particles, or more specifically the “spin” of these subatomic particles, to determine the duality of their digital decision making. At a very basic level, the simple binary dualism of “on” or “off” is just replaced by a simple binary dualism of “up” or “down.” However, it is not quite that simple.
“In quantum reality the particle exists in a state in which all possible directions are occurring simultaneously at the ‘same time.’”
Subatomic particles, such as electrons, have what is known as “quantum spin.” If we imagine infinite arrows “pointing out” the direction of this spin, they would essentially all be pointing in different directions at same time while the particle is in its “natural” quantum state. In quantum reality the particle exists in a state in which all possible directions are occurring simultaneously at the “same time.” The ability for a quantum particle, or qubit, to be in multiple quantum states “at the same time” is known as “Superposition.”
However, once the quantum possibilities are “locked” into empirical reality, such as through observation or experiment, the particle is forced to “choose” a direction. Once the particle is empirically “observed” it can be determined to “have” an empirical direction. At the empirical level of reality, quantum computers focus on only two directions: up or down.
Arrows pointing in the direction “above” the diameter of the particle are considered to indicate “upward” quantum spin; arrows pointing “below” the diameter of the particle are considered to indicate “downward” quantum spin. Averaged out, the particle has a 50% chance of having an “upward spin” and a 50% chance of having a “downward spin” in its natural quantum state. “Qubits” are made up of these quantum subatomic particles. So far, so good.
“The ability for a quantum particle to be in two different quantum states ‘at the same time’ is known as ‘Superposition.’”
The advantage qubits have over logic gates is that logic gates are “truly” binary systems, whereas qubits are not. Logic gates are “either” on or off; there is “nothing” in between. However, quantum particles cannot inherently be on or off, they would inherently be “always” on and “always” off at the same time “until” they were empirically observed. What is measured is their “quantum spin.” However, qubits are essentially spinning in “all” directions simultaneously until empirically observed. Even when empirically observed, there are still unlimited “potential possibilities” inherently remaining within its quantum system.
While there are no potential possibilities between on and off, there are infinite possibilities related to “spin.” Even all “upward” arrows are not pointing in the “exact” same direction; there are variations, or degrees of “up” and variations, or degrees, of “down.” It is not “inherently” a binary system the way logic gates are. Therefore, mathematical algorithms can be used to “exploit” these “quantum possibilities.” Which moves beyond the limitations of a simple binary logic gate. This is the first key distinction between traditional and quantum computers. The second key distinction is where things get even more bizarre.
“Quantum entanglement reflects a quantum state in which two ‘independent’ particles become connected to each other forever…”
Quantum computers function through what is known as “quantum entanglement.” Quantum entanglement reflects a quantum state in which two “independent” particles become connected to each other forever. Subatomic particles, such as electrons and photons, can become “entangled” at the “quantum” level of reality such that what happens to one of the electrons directly affects what happens to the other electron. Therefore, if one electron is empirically observed to have an “upward” spin, then the other electron that is entangled with it “must” have a “downward” spin at the “same” empirical time as the observation; no matter where it is in the universe. Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance.”
Quantum computers use various subatomic particles called Qubits to exploit Quantum Superposition and Quantum Entanglement to arrive at results in specific scenarios that far exceed the capacities of traditional computers.
But how do they do that?
Traditional and quantum computers are similar in that adding more qubits, like adding more transistors, increases the processing power of the computer. However, the efficiency related to the quantum nature of qubits make them far superior to transistors in some specific applications. But first, we need to consider why qubits are so much more efficient than transistors.
“Because of quantum superposition, qubits can exist in multiple quantum states simultaneously…”
Because of quantum entanglement, multiple qubits can become entangled into the same quantum state; for example, upward or downward spin, giving scientists control over the states of various entangled qubits. Because of quantum superposition, qubits can exist in “multiple quantum states” simultaneously; inherently offering exponentially more quantum choices than logic gates, which also continues to increase as qubits are added. In addition, they allow for a completely unique application of digital potential, offering a different kind of digital choice. What does that look like?
Given a maze, a traditional computer would sequentially begin taking all possible paths until it “found” the correct path, and this would happen very fast. Given the same maze a quantum computer would take all possible paths “simultaneously” allowing it to “instantly” recognize the correct path. It does not perform this process “sequentially.” Because of quantum superposition a qubit can “experience” all possible solutions “at the same time” at the quantum level of reality. However, this unique ability is not always the best choice depending on the circumstance.
“A traditional computer might in fact be a better choice for such a circumstance.”
If we are looking for somebody’s phone number, and we know their name, it is relatively easy to “look them up” alphabetically in the phone book. This is a sequential process. A traditional computer might in fact be a better choice for such a circumstance. However, what if we had somebody’s phone number and needed to know their name?
This is where quantum computers shine. Traditional computers would have to look through “every” number sequentially until they finally found the matching name that was connected to the target number. The quantum computer would “look at” all the phone numbers in the phone book “simultaneously” and immediately point out the name connected with the target phone number “instantaneously.” That is the real power of quantum computers.
“…there are still a lot of problems with current quantum computers related to the ‘fragility’ of maintaining the quantum state of qubits…”
We are currently at the very beginning of the quantum revolution and there are still a lot of problems with current quantum computers related to the “fragility” of maintaining the quantum state of qubits, which requires maintaining them at near absolute zero. However, some scientists are already proclaiming “Quantum Computational Supremacy.” According to Google’s AI language model, Gemini, that now publishes their “AI Overview:”
“The number of qubits needed to achieve quantum computational supremacy (QCS) is controversial, but some researchers estimate it could be as few as 208 qubits:
In theory, a quantum computer with 300 qubits could perform more calculations in a single moment than there are atoms in the visible universe. A quantum computer with 100 qubits could be more powerful than all the world's supercomputers combined.
Google claimed to have reached QCS in 2019 with an array of 54 qubits. The qubits were used to perform operations that would take a supercomputer about 10,000 years.”
– AI Overview (Google)
Quantum computers will play a critical role in developing Artificial Intelligence by eliminating limitations related to complexity, data size, and the ability to perform multiple calculations simultaneously producing the speed necessary for extremely intricate decision-making.
According to Gemini, it has been estimated that a quantum computer with approximately “ten to the power of eighty-six” qubits could simulate the universe. It has also been estimated that there are a similar amount of atoms in the universe, approximately “ten to the power of eighty-two.”
Next week we begin a Special Holiday Series of newsletters considering dualism specifically designed with your time in mind during this busy time of year, before beginning Book III, The Enigmatic Mystery, in January…
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Excerpt From This Week’s “Reality by a Thread” (Untangling Western Virtue)
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