How Things Work: A Brief History of Reality
SPECIAL EDITION: Consideration #112. Quantum Miracles - Part Three: "Parallel Universes & Dimensions"
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Tuesday December 5, 2023
“In the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' the trajectory of your life is no longer just one straight path to an eventuality, but is instead one path of many, on an ever-branching tree of possibilities.”
– Author: Kevin Michel
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Once again, the key consideration here is time. If we could go back in time and change something the consequences of that change would be reflected in the future. That is why, from an empirical perspective, a miracle appears to have occurred from the viewpoint of the empirical witnesses at the event. However, Einstein argued that time was an illusion.
Therefore, from a purely rational perspective or dimension, the forgiveness of “all” sins results in those sins being eradicated, making the results, or consequences, of those actions null and void. Thus, no affliction. A miracle in the empirical world; a natural consequence in the new rational dimension.
The mechanism that shatters the illusion of time is “faith.” The mechanism that allows Jesus to manipulate quantum reality through his unique consciousness is a mystery. However, are there any “scientific” theories that could perhaps shed more light on this mystery? One possible mechanism in quantum mechanics that would allow for such a consideration centers around the concepts of “The Multiverse” and “Parallel Universes.”
“In string theory, the multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one; many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the multiverse theory are called parallel universes. A variety of different theories lend themselves to a multiverse viewpoint.”
– Andrew Zimmerman Jones and Daniel Robbins String Theory: Parallel Universes and the Multiverse
The idea of parallel universes is not really a theory of physics, but rather a conclusion reached by several theories within physics: particularly Quantum Mechanics and String Theory. There are many expressions of this “multiverse” within the various theories. In 2003, a young MIT physicist, named Max Tegmark, classified these universes into four possible categories in a paper titled, “Science and Ultimate Reality.”
CONSIDERATION #112 – QUANTUM MIRACLES: Parallel Universes & Dimensions
According to Tegmark, there are four unique interpretations of the “Multiverse” theory in Quantum Mechanics. In a “Level One” multiverse:
“Matter can combine in only so many different configurations. Given an infinite amount of space, it stands to reason there exists another portion of the universe in which an exact duplicate of our world exists.”
Andre Zimmerman Jones - What Physicists Mean by Parallel Universes
In this scenario, there exists an exact copy of our universe which essentially reflects an alternative reality based on the opposite choices made in this universe. It is also possible that there are more than one, perhaps infinite, alternative universes, offering infinite possible choices.
In this example, the Kingdom of Heaven could be a literal alternate reality to our universe, a separate dimension, or universe. Interestingly, these parallel dimensions are right next to us; we just can’t perceive them. Perhaps, Jesus could. In Matthew 3:2 Jesus proclaims:
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
Writer, researcher, academic, and “late romantic,” Kitty Shaw explains the concept of multiple dimensions, or universes, this way:
“String theory isn’t telling us that in an alternate universe, parallel to this one, there is a version of us, and every decision you make or don’t make splits us into another world and makes a fresh path. It tells us that there are eleven possible dimensions that create universes which create many iterations of the universe, not so far removed from ours, where math is the only constant between them. String theory tells us that the environment we take for granted – trees, carbon, mass – is essentially arbitrary, and the thing we need to interrogate is how does our passage through the world shape us?”
Kitty Shaw – The Multiverse, string theory, and how we make choices
Level one universes reflect a physical reality similar to ours with different outcomes based on different decisions. However, Level Two universes do not limit these universes to our understanding of physics.
“Separate universes spring up like bubbles of spacetime undergoing its own form of expansion, under the rules dictated by inflation theory. The laws of physics in these universes could be very different from our own.”
Andre Zimmerman Jones - What Physicists Mean by Parallel Universes
This is what Brian Greene calls the Inflationary Multiverse. It fits into two of Tegmark’s classifications. In this possibility, the laws of physics in these “copy” universes would not necessarily be like ours.
A Level Three multiverse reflects a universe like ours in which all potential possibilities are physically manifested:
“According to this approach to quantum physics, events unfold in every single possible way, just in different universes. Science fiction ‘alternate history’ stories utilize this sort of a parallel universe model, so it's the most well-known outside of physics.”
Andre Zimmerman Jones - What Physicists Mean by Parallel Universes
Often called the Many Worlds Theory, it essentially postulates that everything that can happen will happen, in some universe somewhere. Brian Greene calls this a Quantum Multiverse.
So much of String Theory is pure mathematical abstraction that it can, at times, become difficult to find any practical purpose for pursuing it. What can we actually learn, in terms of practical knowledge, from a Multiverse in which everything that can happen will happen?
“I find this a good lens through which to examine life: change the variables, and work out if you would still feel the same. For a particle physicist the variable they change might be what the sun is made of or the speed of light; for you, it might be money, or having more time, or if the weather will be good enough to grill outdoors. These unmovable variables potentially being different show us how we might move through the world if things were different, and allow us to understand how things are. They show us that, were things different, everything would be different…”
Kitty Shaw - The Multiverse, string theory, and how we make choices
Tegmark’s last category of multiverse is the Level Four Multiverse.
“This type of parallel universes is sort of a catch-all for other mathematical structures which we can conceive of, but which we don't observe as physical realities in our universe. The Level 4 parallel universes are ones which are governed by different equations from those that govern our universe. Unlike Level 2 universes, it's not just different manifestations of the same fundamental rules, but entirely different sets of rules.”
Andre Zimmerman Jones - What Physicists Mean by Parallel Universes
Level Four universes are purely mathematical structures based solely on abstractions that have no connection to what we consider the “laws of physics.” Essentially there are no physical rules whatsoever. If it is mathematically possible it can occur in this universe; regardless of what we might consider any practical limitations.
The commonality between all these possibilities is that mathematically the numbers generated by quantum possibilities are so large that at some point mathematically there is a 100% chance that an exact copy of our world would be generated by any one of these processes. However, there is also 100% chance there are other different manifestations. Perhaps the Kingdom of Heaven is one of them.
“In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
Jesus – John 14:2
Sometimes, theories, such as String Theory, make mysteries like the miracles of Jesus seem simple! Whether or not Jesus manifested miracles through the manipulation of alternate dimensions and eternal time waves is not that important; recognizing the amazing and unlimited possibilities within the universe is. Are the miracles of Jesus really true? According to “Multiverse Theory,” anything that can happen will; even things that don’t fit into the laws of time and space as we experience it in “our” reality.
Whatever the theory, for Jesus, the alternate reality he called The Kingdom of Heaven was a very “real” experience. An experience very different from our ordinary empirical experience of reality.
Next week we will consider the miracles of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew…
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